Wednesday, August 15, 2007

life, the universe, and everything...

Life in guatemala is incredible (and it´s only week 2!) Actually, today it has been a little frustrating. Spanish classes this week have been a little more challenging, and I´m struggling to find a way to express myself in english or in spanish. My theory is that I have studied so many different rules and topics in spanish that right now I´m struggling to keep them all straight in my brain. Today, for instance, I couldn´t remember how to conjugate regular present tense verbs... something that I have understood well since high school. I´m thinking that the combination of discussing more in depth topics with the great multitude of rules I have rolling around in my head, my brain needs a little time to get them all figured out. And this will only come with a little patience and time. Other than the frustrations of trying to bumble my way around in a different culture and with a new language, I have absolutely no complaints. My life is truly is incredible. The group that I am with right now (my volunteer class) is an incredible group of people. I can´t believe I get to be apart of it. There is such a array of skills, knowledge and humor that there is never a dull moment. I already feel like I´ve known them for so long even though it´s only been two weeks.
Qué más... I´ve also had the opportunity to take some amazing trips to nearby pueblos. Last weekend, we visited some Mayan ruins and this weekend we´re going to hike up a volcano. The scenery here is breathtaking. I often find myself smiling stupidly completely amazed at my surrounding (both scenery and people).
It is a strange life though because in the back of my mind, I know I´m only going to be here for 5 1/2 more weeks. This is somewhat of a scary thought, but I am really anxious to get to meet the others at the finca.
So that, in a small nutshell (perhaps a pistachio), is my life today. Pretty damn good.
Well, I´d better get. I´m going to a converence this afternoon about guatemalan education. It will be eye opening, no doubt.

mucho amor, besitos y abrasos,

1 comment:

JMaffu said...

The pictures are beautiful Jenny! Hope all is well and the Lord is watching over you!