Sunday, August 19, 2007

Jenny hates computers

Hola todos!
So I decided that it was time to do this blog thing. I have posted a few emails that I have sent out to random people, so ignore the repeat.
I am having a hard time uploading photos as this computer is so slow, but I´m working on it. I will get them up as soon as I can figure this stuff out!
Love y´all!


The Sara and Ray Show said...

Holy Tolido...I feel like I am way behind in reading your blog and I just got the email. I'm so envious of you as your experience sounds like an undescribable one. I hope I get to see you at Nick's wedding and I look forward to hearing more.

Sara Bond

SCSlimBoise said...

Your stories are great, Jenny. You're like a foreign correspondent giving us little peaks into a world that many of us will never experience. We get to see it through your eyes and watch it come to life through your stories. Keep them coming!

Congratulations on throwing a rope around your dream and pulling it in. Enjoy the ride.

Glenn Carpenter