Thursday, July 3, 2008

Back in Honduras

Hi friends!

I am back in Honduras! I had a wonderful time in the states, but it is good to be back at the finca with a little extra energy and a little chocolate I snuck back with me to bribe the kids. ;)

Honduran Medicine. Last week I translated for a medical brigade that came down from Arkansas. It was fun getting to work with and learn from some great doctors. Obviously, there was not time to treat everyone in the week that brigade was here, but they helped many people with the time they had. It did reinforce for me the need to work on putting some structure to the health care system that is in place so that Hondurans have access to good medical care year ‘round instead of just one week a year. There is so much need. Sometimes it is difficult to find the best place to start.

Scorpion on the loose! As many of you know, I talk of spiders as my arch nemesis, but I have to admit that I have an equal dislike of scorpions. Since I have been here, I have not had to deal with this unwanted creature because when I find them they are either already dead, or I run the other way while the male volunteers “take care of it”… until last night. Several of us were brushing out teeth before going to bed last night when I hear “SCORPION!!!” ring down the hall. I paused for a few seconds waiting for the first macho male volunteer to come to the rescue. But I soon realized that they were all gone on vacation and I was going to have to take care of it. Trembling and with broom in hand, I walked into the bathroom to find the fattest scorpion I have ever seen. Somehow, the fat ones are scarier. I stabbed at it with the end of the boom and when I completely missed, his stinger instantly flew into the air in attack mode. After my second failed attempt he fell to the floor, and I went flying out of the room. I poked my head back in the room just in time to see his fat tale squeeze through a hole in the wall. I banged on the wall several time with the end of the broom as if to say “and there is more where that came from if you show up here again” making sure I was well out of stinger’s reach if he actually crawled back out of the hole. All I can say is that the boys had better get back from vacation soon…

The voices of Christ. Every morning all of the volunteers and kids gather in the church for morning prayer. This week the kids are on vacation from school, so Monday morning only a handful of kids made it to prayer (I admit it was difficult to get myself there). One of the volunteers walked over to find out why the kids hadn’t come that morning (assuming they were still asleep) and heard 3 small voices praying inside the house. The kids were stuck in the house because their parents had over slept, so the girls gathered around a book and prayed together in the house. It is in these moments that I know that despite our insufficiencies, God is alive and doing great things.

Well friends, as always, thank you for your letters and emails. It is always so wonderful to hear about how you are doing, the latest on tech invention, medical break through, good wine, the election or funny stories from Hollywood. Please write me and tell me how you are doing on the completion of the first half of 2008. I love you all dearly and look forward to hearing from you soon!



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