Thursday, September 6, 2007


Hello everyone!!!

Thanks for all the concerned emails about the hurricane. We have been watching its progress on the news every morning. No worries about our safely here in Quetzaltenango. We are at such a high altitude and totally surrounded by mountains, thus totally safe. The farm may be another story. I heard that they all evacuated, so I think the people are fine, but I am not sure about the structures. Please keep them in your prayers.

Today our group went to a natural sauna. The extreme temperatures in the sauna was a wonderful break from the cold weather for about five minutes. After that, I thought my lungs we going to burst from the heat. It was miserably wonderful. I look forward to going back.

My spanish is slowing improving. I am now enjoying the feeling of not be totally confused during conversations in spanish, and a couple of times I have even able to pull off some of jokes. Of course they may have just been laughing at me, but either way, the laughter was good.

The last two volunteers finally arrived this week, so our little group of 8 is now complete! I can not rave enough about everyone. We have a great mix of awesome people. The next couple of years are going to rock!

That is all I have for now. I really just wanted to let everyone know that I am well and safe from any storms. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you soon!!

1 comment:

The Sara and Ray Show said...

I'm glad you are safe, as I was thinking about that the other day.