Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April showers

Hey everyone! Here are a few short stories of events that have occurred over the last few months that you might find interesting.

New kids! Several new families of kids have arrived to the farm over the last few months. They are all filled with so much spirit, and have each been a unique blessing to the dynamics of the farm.

Double trauma. Last month I was talking to a patient about her sick kids when I heard screaming from outside of the clinic. I went outside to see what was going on, and found two kids walking towards me covered in blood that seemed to be coming from their head. My stomach jumped into my throat, while I brought them inside to clean them up and figure out what happened. While playing a game, they had bumped heads leaving a small laceration on each of their foreheads. Two incredibly brave mothers, several prayers, fifteen stitches, many tears, and a couple of cool stickers later, they were both patched up and sent home to rest. I went to check on them later that day (partly to make sure that they didn’t completely hate me), and found them giggling about their new stitches and reading a book together. When they saw me, they gave me a big hug and I joined in on the giggling.

House Intruder. Last week, my roommate called to come into our room and when I arrived I saw my worst nightmare: a scorpion crawling on the wall over my bed. Being a total wimp, my usual reaction is to call for one of the boys to kill the unwanted guest, but unfortunately they were all out of the house (convenient). I decided it would be better to risk a scorpion sting while awake rather than be woken my intruder piercing my foot in the middle of the night. I grabbed a shoe, climbed on the bed, jumped as high as I could and with a battle cry that would have put Braveheart to shame, swung the shoe with all my force upon the unsuspecting scorpion. As I fell back onto the bed, bits of scorpion showered down over me, and I smiled. As I am still a wimp, I slept in the living room that night for fear that he had friends near by that would seek revenge.

Well that’s about all for now. I hope you all are doing well!

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