Because I love telling stories, I am going to tell you all funny story or two (though it is a lot better in person because I can use gestures, and when you uses gestures when you are typing it ends up that nothing shows up on the screen). So here goes...
El viejito
Once upon a time, (last thursday) I was headed back to the finca (where I live) on a bus. The volunteer I was traveling with had some melted ice in her cup (water) and asked me to throw it out the window as we pulled away from the bus stop. The problem was that the window was not right next to me, but rather behind me a bit. So I turned around and awkwardly stuck my arm out the window and poured it out. As I was turning back around to face forward, out of the corner of my eye, I saw an old man standing on the side of the road, throw up his arms as if to say (if he spoke english) “WHAT THE HECK!” Sure enough I hit him dead on with my melted ice. Slowly, spanish rumblings and giggles spread inside the bus, and within two minutes, the entire bus was rolling with laughter at the gringa (that's me) who threw the water on the viejito (little old man). While I did feel quite badly about the old man, I had a hard time stifling my laughter, especially as the volunteer to my left was also in hysterics. The end.
The ant trail
About a week ago, I was sleeping soundly in my room when I felt something tickle my face. Still half asleep, and thinking it was just a cockroach, I tried swatting it away with my hand several times, but had no luck. Finally,it grasped onto my fingers. I lied there a moment, somewhat confused and then violently swung my hand backward when I realized that it was not a cockroach, but a crab crawling on my face and now was holding onto my fingers. The crab flew back, hit the wall, and fell down below my bed. Not wanting to get out of bed because it was chilly and I just wanted to go back to sleep, I reasoned in my dreamy state that the crab could not climb back onto my bed, so I was safe just to fall back asleep. So I did.
I imagine that the crab was a little angry at me for throwing him (or her) against the wall, so while I was sleeping, it stood on a box under by bed, reached it's little crab claw up through a crack, and pinched my butt. I immediately sat upright in bed and sat in shock for a few moments trying to decide on the best way to proceed. I took out my flashlight and peaked under my bed, but not seeing the crab, and still feeling pretty tired, I decided to go back to sleep.
The next day, I searched the room for my attacker, but when I didn't find him, I figured he found his way out. Three nights later, I was again asleep in my room when I woke with the crab dancing on my hand. I instinctively flung the crab across the room towards my roommate (sorry Floro!) and feeling safe again, I went back to sleep. I searched my room the next day but again the crab was no where to be found.
Many of you are probably now thinking that I may have been dreaming or hallucinating, and I admit, I was wondering the same myself, until we found the trail of ants. The next day, my roommate discovered a trail of ants under her bed that lead her to discover the perpetrator, dead. I don't know if it was his final flight across the room, starvation, or guilt that killed him, but he met his demise and became ant food. I felt vindicated. :)
Well friends, I hope you all are doing really well. I miss you dearly, and can't wait to hear from you soon!
Happy Halloween!!!
p.s. I am feeling quite detached from the news in the states. I don't get much news here unless I take the time to look it up online when I am in town. If you see an interesting article, send it my way!
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