Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bean reflections

Myself and a few fellow volunteers were walking to communion service the other day that we lead at our neighbors’ house, and I was carrying a cup of beans for the homily as the gospel was on where you sow your seeds… in the good soil, in the rocks where they are eaten by birds, or where they will be choked by the thorny plants. As we were walking, I made fun of Laura, one of the other vols, and she hit my hand, knocking the cup to the ground and spilling the seeds in the rocky soil. Well, it must have been divine intervention that I made fun of Laura, because we picked up the previously clean beans, and in the process a couple of sticks, some dirt and a few rocks. During the reflection, Anne asked us to reflect in which type of soil our beans or seeds were planted. I couldn’t focus on the soil, because I just kept thinking about how dirty they were. I picked out the rocks, the sticks, and dusted them off until they were pretty and shiny. I sat there admiring my three pretty beans and wanted to put them in my pocket to save for later. It then occurred to me how I do the same with my faith. I have been good in the past about studying, praying and educating myself about my faith so that it became pretty and shiny. But then what did I do with it? I picked it up and put it in my pocket to pull out at my convenience for a good theological discussion, polished it off again, and put it back into my pocket to keep safe and clean. But is that what Christ is calling me to do? What good is a seed in my pocket? Of course it needs to be planted to give life. It needs to be shoved into the dirt, have a little shit thrown in it’s face, drowned by water and left to sit alone in the scorching sun until the point at which it breaks into two giving life to a small green plant. At the point where the bean is actually useful, it is no longer recognizable as a bean, and only if you are lucky can you see a pale shadow of what it once was.

Well friends, it is my turn to make dinner tonight, so I’d better get going. I hope that your beans are well planted.

Love you all!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who is teaching who?

Hi Friends! How is everyone doing? Things are going quite well at the farm. We have been having incredible weather (cool breezy mornings with thunderstorms in the afternoons. Somehow the weather really sets the tone here.
Last week was my first experience teaching health classes. So maybe “teaching” wouldn’t be the best word choice. Last Friday, the school needed a fill in for first grade health class, and since I had taught health to 2nd and 3rd already that week, I figured that 1st would be a walk in the park. I have never made such a grave error in judgment. As I entered the 1st grade classroom, frowns instantly spread across the room along with shouts of “NO! Not you! We want to watch a movie!” Apparently, the regular teacher had promised them a movie, which I now believe to be some horrible form of hazing for new teachers. Trying to be upbeat I told the kids that we were going to read a story and then if they behaved we could draw afterwards and them go run around on the soccer field. The boy to my right stuck his hands over his ears with elbows pointed outwards and shouted “I’M NOT GOING TO LISTEN”, immediately climbed under his desk and laid on the floor. Three other children followed suit, while the rest of the class started crying and/or yelling that they didn’t like to read and wanted to watch a movie. It was so over the top that I couldn’t help but laugh out loud (that didn’t go over so well) and expected the camera crew to come out shouting “you’ve been punked”. If only…
Upon recounting this story to a fellow volunteer who is actually an elementary school teacher she said “If it had been me, at that point everyone would have their heads on their desks and had to sit in silence for the rest of the class.” If only I had thought of that! Instead, I sat down on the floor in front of the class and started reading the book. Within 4 or 5 minutes, the kids were sitting on the floor around me listening to the story and now only complaining that they couldn’t see the pictures very well. Well, the one kid was still laying on the floor, but you can’t win them all over right? They did well until we had to switch activities and then it started all over again. Needless to say, I will not be looking to continue my career in elementary education. I hope everyone is doing well. Write me and let me know how you are doing!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Looking for help!

Hello friends!!!

The farm is still looking for volunteers for next October. If you know anyone who might be interested in volunteering this year, please let us know. The farm´s website is If you are interested, you can email either me ( or Andrea, our volunteer coordinator, at


Back in Honduras

Hi friends!

I am back in Honduras! I had a wonderful time in the states, but it is good to be back at the finca with a little extra energy and a little chocolate I snuck back with me to bribe the kids. ;)

Honduran Medicine. Last week I translated for a medical brigade that came down from Arkansas. It was fun getting to work with and learn from some great doctors. Obviously, there was not time to treat everyone in the week that brigade was here, but they helped many people with the time they had. It did reinforce for me the need to work on putting some structure to the health care system that is in place so that Hondurans have access to good medical care year ‘round instead of just one week a year. There is so much need. Sometimes it is difficult to find the best place to start.

Scorpion on the loose! As many of you know, I talk of spiders as my arch nemesis, but I have to admit that I have an equal dislike of scorpions. Since I have been here, I have not had to deal with this unwanted creature because when I find them they are either already dead, or I run the other way while the male volunteers “take care of it”… until last night. Several of us were brushing out teeth before going to bed last night when I hear “SCORPION!!!” ring down the hall. I paused for a few seconds waiting for the first macho male volunteer to come to the rescue. But I soon realized that they were all gone on vacation and I was going to have to take care of it. Trembling and with broom in hand, I walked into the bathroom to find the fattest scorpion I have ever seen. Somehow, the fat ones are scarier. I stabbed at it with the end of the boom and when I completely missed, his stinger instantly flew into the air in attack mode. After my second failed attempt he fell to the floor, and I went flying out of the room. I poked my head back in the room just in time to see his fat tale squeeze through a hole in the wall. I banged on the wall several time with the end of the broom as if to say “and there is more where that came from if you show up here again” making sure I was well out of stinger’s reach if he actually crawled back out of the hole. All I can say is that the boys had better get back from vacation soon…

The voices of Christ. Every morning all of the volunteers and kids gather in the church for morning prayer. This week the kids are on vacation from school, so Monday morning only a handful of kids made it to prayer (I admit it was difficult to get myself there). One of the volunteers walked over to find out why the kids hadn’t come that morning (assuming they were still asleep) and heard 3 small voices praying inside the house. The kids were stuck in the house because their parents had over slept, so the girls gathered around a book and prayed together in the house. It is in these moments that I know that despite our insufficiencies, God is alive and doing great things.

Well friends, as always, thank you for your letters and emails. It is always so wonderful to hear about how you are doing, the latest on tech invention, medical break through, good wine, the election or funny stories from Hollywood. Please write me and tell me how you are doing on the completion of the first half of 2008. I love you all dearly and look forward to hearing from you soon!

